Monday, February 7, 2011

What's Inside the Writing Work Station?

Here are some of the items that I have in the Writing Work Station.

Stencils, Word Tiles, Pictionary, Sentence Starters

I also keep lined paper handy, as well as blank cards, stapled blank books, paper for writing lists, word walls, and a Writer's Helper binder. The binder has different pages to help the children when they are writing including: word walls, words to start sentences with, and other helpful pages. I will have to share that idea also later.

I had a request for copies of the papers I have hanging on my writing station. So here they are:

Million Dollar Words (I found this on the web. It is not my creation.)
Winter Word Wall (I created word walls for the different seasons and holidays.)


  1. Once upon a time I had a set of the very pictionary you have in your picture. Oh, how I miss those. They were perfect for first graders to use when writing sentences and stories. Thanks for the memory and for sharing your ideas.

  2. SDNana, you are welcome. I saved a set of these pictionaries from the trash. My hoarding paid off.
